Tag Archives: clean beauty

Easy Guide to Help You Swap to Cleaner Alternatives

Easy Guide to Help You Swap to Cleaner Alternatives Clean Beauty Binge 001

Making the switch to You Swap to Clean Alternatives can be quite daunting. After all, no one can totally ditch old habits and start afresh, overnight. Luckily, you don’t have to! Taking baby steps towards the right direction is better than committing to a huge leap that may not be sustainable. Though even figuring out […]

Reasons Why You Should Be Switching to Organic Dental Care

Reasons Why You Should Be Switching to Organic Dental Care

Forget about anti-aging serums and anti-wrinkle creams, a youthful skin will not outdo an aged smile. Yellowing teeth, bad breath, and dull gums are synonymous with old age and must be prevented now, but we don’t mean using the first toothpaste you see at the grocery store for your dental care! We mean actually taking […]

BB’s Picks for the Most Cost Effective Products

BB's Picks for the Most Cost Effective Products Clean Beauty Binge 001

BB’s Picks for the Most Cost Effective Products, we hear myths floating around detailing the inaccessibility of organic and vegan products. “they’re too expensive,” or “they’re out of my budget” excuses are overplayed by many. Especially those who have not ventured into the world of clean beauty. However, upon comparison, these myths are far from […]

Scalp Care 101: Why you need to swap to Sulfate-free hair products

Scalp Care 101 Why you need to swap to Sulfate free hair products Clean Beauty Binge 001

We are all aware of how important skincare is; the media talks about it, our favourite celebrities endorse it, and our dermatologists recommend it. But is the same done for scalp care? And why should a healthy scalp be celebrated as much as healthy skin? Why Scalp Care should it matter? Hair-loss; an entirely possible […]

Why skincare should be gender neutral.

Why skincare should be gender neutral.

Over the years, skincare routines have been perceived as feminine specific practices. Skincare related products gender neutral have been predominantly advertised by women and targeted towards them too. However, in the recent years, as the world is attempting to shift towards a more gender neutral lifestyle, self-care is starting to become more universal. Us, as […]

Beauty Binge embraces sustainable packaging and why you should too!

Beauty Binge embraces sustainable packaging and why you should too

In embraces sustainable packaging, less is definitely more. So it came as a huge shock when Zero Waste Week reported that 120 billion units of embraces sustainable packaging are being produced globally each year by the cosmetic industry. In this day and age where call-out culture is imminent, brands today are being motivated into swapping […]